“While the rest of the economy is tanking from the crippling impact of the coronavirus, business at the biggest technology companies is holding steady — even thriving.” – The New York Times; Mar. 23, 2020 If you needed any proof that some industries benefit even during the worst of times, consider this — Microsoft reported a 775 percent increase in demand for their web calling and meeting features in Italy after social distancing and shelter in place orders were instituted. With The Beginner Cloud Architect Professional Training Bundle ft. Azure and AWS training ($39.99, over 90 percent off from TNW Deals), you can position yourself as a valued IT pro who understands how to help companies navigate their tech needs through this tough time. Training begins with introductions in the Getting Started with Cloud Computing course before delving into six more courses centered on AWS and Azure. AWS Cloud Essentials examines AWS best practices, from terminology and tips for administrating an AWS network to key security measures, and a full overview of how the company’s primary foundational, database and management services all work. With resilient, performant, secure, cost-optimized, and operationally-excellent architectures to contend with, the AWS Solutions Architect Associate course breaks them all down, so students always know which method will work best for a company’s specific cloud needs.  A complete understanding of Azure is all right here as well, included in three courses tracking a user’s distinct learning curve in the Azure environment. They’ll learn how Azure’s core features work as well as how to build virtual networks, create virtual machines, assess analytics and craft system architecture that’s built to last. All six courses are included here for only $39.99, less than $6 per course. Prices are subject to change.