The original Poolside.FM packed a lot of stuff in a site, including an Instagram launcher, a video player, a music player. As compared to that, the new iPhone app acts mostly as a music player. I don’t have many complaints though. This app can act as my work or chill time playlist without having to sift through multiple Spotify playlist to settle on one. I’ve already found a few tunes that I might be adding to my own playlists. All of their songs are curated through Soundcloud. And you should check out their own one hour-long mixes on the site as well. On the app, you can cycle through four radio stations: Poolside FM, Indie Summer, Hangover Club, Tokyo Disco, and Friday Nite Heat. Apart from this, the app lets you shuffle through a few nice-looking themes and click retro-styled photos.
You can download the Poolside.FM iPhone app from here. The creators noted that they’re working on the Android version and it should be out soon. Did you know we have an online event about product design coming up? Join the Sprint track at TNW2020 to explore the latest trends and emerging best practices in product development.